155 million men and women involved in homosexuality form a people group that need to be reached with the gospel and ministered to with God's truth and grace.
Jesus provided the Church with a model for ministering God's truth and grace to people with sexual and relational struggles. John 4 records His ministry to the Samaritan woman at the well. John 8 records his ministry to the woman caught in adultery. These and other Scriptures guide the church in responding to people involved in homosexuality. Jesus did not humiliate or shame. He did not condemn or reject. He did not compromise Schriptural standards. He was the friend of sinners. He offered living water to the woman at the well - an image for a relationship with Himself that meets people's deepest needs for love as well as puts them in right relationship with God. And He offered forgiveness to the women caught in sexual sin.
The Church is not called to condemn. The Church is not called to humiliate or shame. Neither is the Church to compromise Scriptural standards. The Church is to respond with God's truth and grace. The Church must offer forgiveness and restoration to anyone, no matter what sin is in their lives. Restoration in Christ is a free gift for all. The Church must respond with repentance and forgiveness for its own sins and the sins of others. And the Church must continue to exhort its people to live holy lives.
The Church must also affirm that the Gospel proclaims liberation from all sin, including sexual sin. In recognition of the sexual brokenness that exists within all people and the redemptive power of Jesus Christ, the church must be a healing community, proclaiming His transforming power and implementing Christ-centered ministries of restoration.
Resources to equip churches and Christians are available from websites, books and videos. Training is available for pastors and ministry leaders from people with experience and training in ministering to people with truth and grace. Speakers who will share their testimony and train people for minsitry with truth and grace are available.
Click on the following links to go to a website with more information.
www.lausanne.org/cape-town-2010/schedule.html - video of the Multiplex Session. Go to the Saturday section.
Exodus Global Alliance - general information
Exodus Asia Pacific - Australia & New Zealand
Exodus Global Alliance (Canada) - Canada
Desert Stream / Living Waters - Living Waters program information
Information on the following topics is available at these websites:
Roots and causes of same-sex attractions
Transformation, healing and change
What the Bible says about ministering to people
Finding help
Helping others
The role of the church