I don't want to be gay...

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I don't want to be gay. What do I do with my feelings?

If it's not your heartfelt desire to be homosexual, the first thing we want you to know is that there is proven hope and help in the person of Jesus Christ. Overcoming is not by methods and rituals but by a personal, long-term relationship with Jesus Christ. So we want to encourage you to keep developing your relationship with Jesus Christ. Deepening your relationship with Jesus Christ involves making Jesus Christ your Lord. And this means letting Him become master of everything in your life, including your sexuality.

Having said that, we also want to say that pretending your feelings don't exist is not helpful. Solely using self-discipline to suppress your feelings will get harder and harder over time. Many of the people in Exodus have tried these approaches as teens and know where they lead. Instead we encourage you to look and ask for help from someone who will listen to you so that you do not carry these feelings alone, and also so that you can get the help, clarity and resources in becoming the kind of person you really want to be. There are good resources for youth that provide safety and anonymity. Use the Contact Exodus form to ask for more information.

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